It's Twisted Hunt Time again! This time the theme is Divine! What will the Twisted Merchants come up with? Whatever it is, it's sure to be well, twisted! Come join us on the Hardest Hunt in SL!
Twisted Hunt Divine has a total of 59 merchants this time around and most of the prizes are a golden color or mixture thereof as you can see from above. You will need time to complete this hunt and it runs all month long for that purpose. This hunt's reputation precedes it and is quite well known! Frustrating, time-consuming, yet very rewarding when you do find those evil little cubes! The prizes make it all worthwhile! Or, if you enjoy the thrill of the hunt (like me!) this is the hunt for you! And then, once you finish... there is THE END GAME! The End Game opens on March 7th.
Above you see items from 3 of the Twisted Merchants. First,
#15 - Roped Passions is the creator of the
Twisted Divine Mushrooms and the
Twisted Divine Cube Halo (also in Petite), these are only two of all her side hunt prizes for the hunt. There are many more to find!
Next, these 3 shirts from the
{zfg} Luci Shirt Twisted Hunt Gacha are shown above, and these are made for mesh bodies only. Sizes for Maitreya (shown), Slinks, Bellezas, Ebody, Tonics and Altamura are included. I am showing you 2 commons and 1 rare in the above collage. You will find this gacha in the Group Gifts area of the store.
The skirt is the
{zfg} sassy instinct - a gift from a previous event now ended. But, there is a
Sassy Instinct Fatpack possibly in the store soon. These are made for the Bellezas, Slinks and Maitreya mesh bodies.
The back of the Luci shirt is also printed with your wings in a dark red! Divinely evil is her theme here. They are all quite attention grabbing sayings, so take a look at the key on the gacha machine when you play. I am sure you will find one that may apply to your mood too!
Also shown are the
{zfg} Medusa boots, these are made for the Maitreya, Slinks, Belleza and TMP mesh bodies. Some sexy thigh highs in a shimmery golden black. These are the
Twisted Hunt Divine Gift awaiting you at
#18 - {zfg}! Find the golden cube and they are all yours!
Look into my eyes...This
Twisted Divine Gacha from
~Songbird~ contains 6 sets of
Halo Eyes. They come in a mesh eye set and Omega applier eye set. You can also win the RARE Fatpack with all six sets of
Halo Eyes. Find this gacha at
#16 ~Songbird~.
This gorgeous light human toned skin is the
.:Soul:. Hailey - Gen2 - F - [H3] Skin. You receive the System Skins and Head Appliers (Omega & Catwa) in the box and the body appliers are sold separately. Find this and 5 other human skin tones at
.:Soul:.! Shown on the Maitreya Lara Mesh Body.
And as always I have some
*Booty's Beauty* Makeups to show you! Here are some you should be able to find in the store now. All are in the credits listed below. That shiny lipstick is the
*Booty's Beauty* Catwa Makeup ~ Sweet As Candy, a name appropriate to balance out these shirts I think! Booty is not in the Twisted Hunt, I am just showing off here!
These nails,
Dark Passions -
Eternal Essence nails fit nicely in the theme even though they are not a part of the hunt, but they are at a great price in the
Saturday Sale this week. This sale runs until Thursday, so you only have a couple days to snatch these up before they go back to regular pricing. The fatpack contains nail appliers for Slink, Omega(shown) and Maitreya. Sale ends March 7th!
And that is all I have for you from the Twisted Hunt Divine for now! I hope you decide to join us on this Divinely Twisted Hunt! You will find some amazing prizes and many adventures to be had at many of the participating stores. You will not regret it! But be forewarned, it's a tough one!