Yes, I love the Christmas and holiday decorations. I am sad to see them go soon. But, it is still winter. So who says I have to take them down? Especially in SL! Well, we'll see I guess!
This is the
Moonlitecat Creations Kiss of Glow Christmas outfit. It is very lovely and is 4 pieces. A corset, shawl, skirt and boots. This velvety dress is just gorgeous! Nice enough for a formal dance. This is available at
Twisted Krissmuss until Jan 3rd. It is also available for gifting too! Items at
Twisted Krissmuss are $100L and transferable items are marked with the Exclusive Bows. Come on out before it's all over! Find yourself some more decor or even late gifts!
I am also wearing a new winter makeup from
[Glam Affair], the
Frost Collection, currently at the
Velour Mall right now along with the Amelia and Lizy skins as part of a special collaboration with Velour and Heaux. There are eyeshadows, blushes, red nose and lips. All with the appearance of being out in the winter elements. The skin Lizy is shown here in the Sunkiss skin tone that matches the
Velour Ipanema Skin tones. They are baked on mesh skins made for the Lelutka Evo X heads.
This is the last few days of
Twisted Krissmuss so hurry on by and take a look while it's quiet! The landscaping is beautiful too!
If you enjoy my content and would like to, you can do that by clicking the button below!

Outfit: MLCC Kiss of Glow Christmas
Corset, Shawl, Skirt & Womens Boots Maitreya NEW @ Twisted Krissmuss (Ends
Jan 3rd)
Skin – Face layer & Ears: [Glam
Affair] Lizy [Lelutka EvoX] Sunkiss B NEW @ Velour Mall
Hair: Doe . Bright [busty] . NEW @
Epiphany (Ends Jan 15th)
Eyeshadow: [Glam Affair] Frost Collection
- Cosmic Eyes 01 NEW @ Velour Mall
Lips: [Glam Affair] Frost Collection -
Winter LIps 01 NEW @ Velour Mall
Red Nose: [Glam Affair] Frost Collection
- Red Nose 01 NEW @ Velour Mall
Blush: [Glam Affair] Frost Collection -
Love Blush 03 NEW @ Velour Mall
Ear Blush: +Psycho Barbie+ [Elf Ears
Blush V2] Red
Nail Polish: VENGE - 'Holly' Stilleto
Nail Applier
Elf Earrings: :ANDORE: - :ear-acc: - Elfy
f [LeL Evo X - ELF]
Gold Ring: EarthStones Ever After Bridal
Set - Gold
Eyes: AG. Gaia Eyes - BoM - Neko - 08
Skin – Body layer: VELOUR: Ipanema Body
for Legacy - Fit (Sunkiss)
Mesh Nails: VENGE - Maitreya - Stiletto
Nails 1.2
Eye Alpha: + ALPHA ( BOM Head + Body -
Brow Shape: - SHAPE Brow lel EvoX GAIA
Mesh / Bento Head: / HEAD / lel EvoX GAIA
Mesh Eyes: / EYES / lel EvoX 3.1
Mesh Ears: / EARS / Gaia ELF (add) 3.1
Mesh Body: Maitreya Mesh Body - Lara V5.3
Mesh Head Shape: - SHAPE Default lel EvoX
GAIA (Maitreya Edited)
Close Up Pose: FOXCITY. Drift Interactive
Lighting: LumaLite Hud (v3.5) May 12_16
RYL Pottet Christmas Tree
1 Prim Christmas Tree - Frosted Twisted : by Dekute Dekore @ Twisted Krissmuss (Ends Jan 3rd)
:::Sn@tch Twisted Little Krissmuss Tree:::
tarte. little christmas tree (linus) RARE
YOKAI - Christmas Birds - Birdy in hat
Noveny - Christmas Stocking - No 5
Winter Cabin - Second Life Premium Gift (2019?)
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#SecondLife #MoonlitecatCreations #TwistedKrissmuss #GlamAffair #Velour #DoeHair #VENGE #LelutkaEvoX #AviGlam #ChristmasinSL #virtualhomedecor #virtualworlds #virtualgirls
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