Visiting Faireholm where it is so sunny and bright, colorful, and a beautiful fountain at the landing point! I loved that! The garden courtyard where you can sit and enjoy is beautiful and peaceful! Then at the end of the garden, there is what appears to be a portal? A doorway perhaps to another dimension? But in this cheerful place? Why? And the opportunity presented itself to document this area, but I'm not going to give it all away...
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But yes, I did have to take the opportunity to show off the Mishmash Fusion - Ophelia Unseelie Gown. It looked so great (it is a beautiful dress!) with the Whymsical Marketplace - Charlinda Drow Skin. And both are found at the Fantasy Faire! I am wearing them on the Catwa Kittia and Maitreya Lara Mesh Body. Find Mishmash Fusion on Tensor's Flying Market and Whimsical Marketplace on the Twilight Spring sim.
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These eyes! These Eyes! They are the Acios - Eyes of Bayounimba, and there are plenty of colors in this set! All piercing as seen above and will draw everyone's eyes to yours! There is a mesh set of eyes and hud included, or you can use the Omega hud to apply them to your own mesh eyes like I have here. Find Acios on the Bayounimba sim at the Fantasy Faire this year.
The Dark Passions - Butterfly Fantasy Nails includes 6 designs and have all that the fatpacks normally have as far as appliers. You get the Slink, Omega and Maitreya nail appliers that will apply to a number of bodies available. I thought these appropriate for the garden on Faireholm. And they so are! Find Dark Passions on the Twilight Spring sim at the faire.
The sunniness of Faireholm actually played tricks on my camera and the skin didn't actually look as drow toned as it really is. So here is another picture of the skin in better lighting so you can see the actual tone of the skin correctly. I think the new EEP windlights are messing with me sometimes, definitely during this first set of pictures!
The raised tattoo-like markings on my skin are from Birth, the 'Drums' Scarification tattoo. One of two RFL Scarifications offerings from Birth at the Fantasy Faire. Omega appliers included here and both the male and female versions are in each box. Find Birth on the Tensor's Flying Market sim. The Evie Sandals here are from 1313 Mockingbird Lane and they are on the Nightshade Blossoms sim. There are many versions to choose from there.
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And finally, the necklace seen here is from the FF X Necklace Gacha - Her High Faireness Ultra Rare. Gorgeous isn't it? There are many more in the gacha and they are all quite unique, make sure to play this one! Find them at the Harshlands store at the Fantasy Faire on Light of Va'loth.
And now the Fantasy Faire Quest is open (part 1)! So come grab your hud at the landing points of whichever sim you land on and get going on the quest! Join the Fantasy Faire group to keep up with notices on the progress of the rest of the Quest. Good Luck!
Fantasy Faire - Fairelands Junction - Ends May 5th
Hope to see you around!
Skin: Whymsical Marketplace - Charlindra Drow Princess Classic Skin
Set @ Fantasy Faire - Tensor’s Flying Market
Body Tattoo: *Birth* 'Drums' Scarification (Omega Appliers) @ Fantasy
Faire - Tensor’s Flying Market
Dress: Mishmash Fusion - Ophelia Unseelie Gown - Violet @ Fantasy
Faire – Tensor’s Flying Market
Sandals: (*<*) 1313 Evie Sandals @ Fantasy Faire – Nightshade Blossoms
Eyes: {Acios} Eyes of Bayounimba (Omega Apps & Mesh Eyes
Included) @ Fantasy Faire - Bayounimba
Nail Polish: DP - Koffin Nails - FatPack - Butterfly Fantasy @ Fantasy
Faire - Twilight Spring
Necklace: [HL] FF X Necklace Gacha - ULTRA RARE - Her High Faireness @
Fantasy Faire - Light of Va'loth
Ring: EarthStones Ever After Bridal Set - Gold
Hair: [monso] My Hair - Kula (s)
Pose #1: Del May - Alternative babydoll (variant)
Hand Pose: Tuty's - 10 Lovely hands - Bento Still Poses
Pose #3: Bauhaus Movement - Razorblade Remix 07
Location: Faireholm
Location #2: Tensors’ Flying Market
Makeup Added:
Eyeshadow/Liner: Zibska Erno Eyemakeup Catwa, LAQ, Lelutka & Omega Appliers
included @ WLRP – Ends Apr 30th
Lipstick: *Booty's Beauty* Catwa Lipstick ~ Stygian
Eyelashes: *Booty's Beauty* Catwa Lashes ~ Angelic
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#SecondLife #FantasyFaire #WhymsicalMarketplace
#MishmashFusion #Acios #DarkPassions #Birth #BootysBeauty #Harshlands #FantasyFaire2019
#virtualfashion #VitualWorlds #FantasyFaire2019
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